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发布时间:2012-05-21 来源:中国南粤文化网 [浏览次数:1154 ]



五敬十诫 Wǔjìng shíjiè:


1. 尊敬所有宗教及所有武术门派;

2. 尊敬父母,师傅,教练,师兄师弟,师姐师妹;

3. 尊敬训练场地、器材及自己所用兵器,保持清洁整齐;

4. 尊敬级别服装;

5. 尊敬食物。


1. 不得判师;


3. 不得浮艺;


5. 不得盗劫;

6. 不得恃武欺弱;


8. 不得随处搁置禅武级别服装;




"Five Respects and Ten Prohibitions" :

"Five Respects", namely, ( 1. Respect all religions and Wushu factions;  2. Respect parents, teachers, coaches, senior and junior fellow apprentices; 3. Respect training fields and equipment, keep clean and tidy; 4. Respect clothes of all levels; 5. Respect foods).

"Ten Prohibitions", namely, (1.shouldn’t judge coaches; 2 shouldn’t speak nonsense; 3 shouldn’t be chameleonic; 4. Shouldn’t be arrogant;5. Shouldn’t banditry; 6. Shouldn’t bully the weak; 7. Shouldn’t battle during factions or tease other factions; 8. Shouldn’t put Chan Wu level clothes everywhere; 9. Shouldn’t frolic with Chan Wu level clothes on; 10. Shouldn’t drink with Chan Wu level clothes on (excessive drinking is also prohibited).









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