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禅武标志 Chánwǔ biāozhì:
Chan Wu Logo, one to respectfully bow more than ninety degrees with folded hands. "Namaste" came from Buddhism, significance for the many blessings and light, the symbol of peace, respectful, friendly and good luck. "JuGongLi" is said to treat everything with respect by heart. And the six spots over the head can be interpreted as "Chan Xin Liu Shou", namely stress arrogant heart, cultivate respectful heart, have sincere heart, have mercy heart, keep clean heart and get common heart. This also tells us that being a member of Chan Wu should have a humble heart, be honest and keep compassionate treatment of all things. The outside circle of the logo represents harmony, everything that is pursuit of harmony, balance, and respecting each other, so as to achieve the harmonious state. As for the "yellow", it is the basis of the "soil" that gave birth to all things; "Red" is a symbol of passion, warmth and happiness, also said the "heart". Red and yellow is the mass-tone attune of the Chinese, said together we need to carry all things and inherit Chinese cultural.
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